What do you think?
I also had to think of the Serving library (http://www.servinglibrary.org/), which is obviously great and always functions as a nice little cabinet of curiosities. The nice thing about it: everything is worth your while, everything is worth a read, everything passed rounds of editing, the only check for your engagement is wether you find something interesting or not. What would the Serving Library look like if it were a wiki? On wikipedia a short, bad article is called a stub? (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Stub) What's a stub in this context? Can the "linking team" can be like a stub police, making a challenge out of expanding every single article to a certain standard of coverage?
It is, Is it the Ass with an extra M,
the wine sediment that gathers when the glass half full is being swirled around
Hefty beings made up of collected and unmixed parts
Masked feelings that cannot be expressed cus you're in a society that demands
The masses to observe fellow taboos and be productive
The sound of Massal prayers sung by a hundred communions shuddering cathedral
Oceans of data being mined and farmed by the billion dollar companies
Arise ye, for you work day and stay this way living through the window of your phone
Can the mass be made up of dis—agreeing particles?
How does it actually sound and what can it actually do
What sparks* what ideologies* what assassination is needed to get it started
What if the mass is following something that leads to nothing?