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__Sankrit is a medieval warrior from the 14th Century who got well known to sharp his sword in a shape of a serrif upper case.

The letter "A" was his favourit and remarcable for destroying [Sir. William LeHolde] during the greate printing battle of 1 678.

It is not however, Sanskrit as that would be the classical Indian language still in use for servicing Buddhism, Hindu and Jainism.

It was composed by a Thai astrologer to be in harmony with Monday from Pali-Sankrit, the former lingua franca of Southeast Asia.

      'San'  is Pali prefix for having or in possession of, and  'Krit'  from the Sankrit for doing, or action

However, in real life this person is more often associated with the word

       pro-crastination, from the latin  'pro' for forward and  'cras' from tomorrow. Together they become deferred till the morning 
Part of his life has been with CategoryAngst, an ongoing obsession to get to know the tendencies of the self fear of failure better.

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Last edited June 5, 2020 12:33 pm by Sankrit (diff)